Tuesday, 25 September 2018

                                                   MENTAL HEALTH SESSIONS

We have been looking at causes of mental health, what the effects are and who and what is there to help. Here is some of what we have found out.

Having a mental health problem is no different to having  a physical health problem. 

Ignoring mental health problems won't make them go away, its a matter of recognising the symptoms, finding a way of treating them and taking steps to prevent the problem happening again by looking after your mental health.

Poor mental health is nothing to be embarrassed or afraid about. If you have a problem it is best to talk about it and seek help.

                                         WHO DOES POOR MENTAL HEALTH EFFECT

Many people suffer from poor mental health, it can affect anyone. It affects at least one of five of the population. 

There is a huge stigma around mental health and when people think of it the often tend to think of conditions such as depression and schizophrenia. However mental health problems can also be common conditions that affect all of us on a day to day basis, for example, anxiety, stress and "feeling down".

                                                     WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR

If you feel anxious, worried or overwhelmed by your problems.

If you notice changes in your eating or sleeping patterns.

If you feel angry or distressed for no reason.

If you find it difficult to focus, lack concentration or you find it hard to make decisions.

If you recognise any of the above, here are some help lines that may be helpful.

Foyle Search and Rescue:


Zest (9am-5pm):


Drink Helpline (24 hr):

Drugs Helpline (24hr):

Childline (24hr):